


I would like to add a custom view to jhipster app on index.html


I already created the link in navbar.html and added the html file on path src/main/webapp/scripts/app/custom/newView.html

 <a ui-sref="newView" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse.in">
     <span class="glyphicon"></span>
     <span class="hidden-sm">new view</span>


When I click on the link it doesn't work. Probably it needs a custom route in angular but I can't figure out how to create it. What else should I do?

除了其他答案,这里还有另一条信息.也许其他人会发现它有用.我在自定义视图中也遇到了类似的问题,但仅限于生产环境.在开发模式下一切都很好.在生产模式下,什么也不会显示,并且我遇到了这个JavaScript错误,显示为无法从状态...解析...". 原来,我的JavaScript文件(声明状态的文件)在index.html中声明了

In addition to the other answer, here is another piece of information. Maybe somebody else will find it useful. I had a similar problem with a custom view but only in production. Everything was fine in dev mode. In production mode, nothing would display and I had this javascript error that read "could not resolve ... from state ...". It turns out that my javascript file (where the state was declared) was declared like this in index.html

<!-- build:js({.tmp,src/main/webapp}) scripts/app.js -->
<script src="scripts/app/app.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/app/app.constants.js"></script>

<!-- endbuild -->

<!-- custom -->
<script src="scripts/app/pages/quizz/quizz.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/app/pages/quizz/quizz.controller.js"></script>


I had created the separation on purpose, just to make it easier to read. Once I moved it up to have it before endbuild, the problem disappeared. I guess this is related to how the app is packaged somehow? I haven't looked at how it does it.