






i'm new in wpf and i want to make validation with error message on any empty text box user left when he click button to store data to database
i need simple steps to do that because i spend all my time for 3 days searching for simple code with simple example but I did not understand it
Please can anyone help me in an easy way because I'm new in wpf or anyone has an idea to display error when leaving the text box Empty I need it in VB wpf not C#

What I have tried:

Please can anyone help me in an easy way because I'm new in wpf or anyone has an idea to display error when leaving the text box Empty I need it in VB wpf not C#

参见 WPF:初学者指南 - n的第1部分 [ ^ ]和以下文章,以及Sacha Barber的其他任何内容。
See WPF: A Beginner's Guide - Part 1 of n[^] and the following articles, plus anything else by Sacha Barber.