


I have built a website for a client using Concrete5 as the CMS.

There is a download link on this page which links (via Concrete5's file manager code) to an xlsx file.

If this link is clicked on in Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, the file downloads as expected and everything is A-OK.

If this link is clicked on in Mozilla Firefox, however, the user is instead presented with the raw source of the .xlsx file, and no option to download it.

The headers and content the server is serving appear identical, so I can't understand why the two browsers would behave differently.

我使用Concrete5作为CMS为客户建立了一个网站。 p>

此页上有一个下载链接链接( 通过Concrete5的文件管理器代码)到xlsx文件。 p>

如果在谷歌浏览器或Internet Explorer中点击此链接,文件将按预期下载,一切都是A-OK。 p >

但是,如果在Mozilla Firefox中单击此链接,则会向用户显示.xlsx文件的原始来源,而无法下载该文件。 p>

服务器所服务的标题和内容看起来是相同的,所以我无法理解为什么这两种浏览器的行为会有所不同。 p> div>

One solution is to edit your .htaccess file and add

<FilesMatch "\.(?i:doc|docx|xls|xlsx)$">
  Header set Content-Disposition attachment

This will signal to every browser that any doc docx xls and xlsx file from your site ought to be downloaded.


You could also the HTML5 download attribute like so:

<a href="path/to/file" download>Click here to download</a>

This opens a "save as" dialog regardless of file type without taking you away from the page.