



If i would need change only text string it will simple, but How can I change images or xib files (which are for each localisation)?


[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Ukrainian", @"English", nil] forKey:@"AppleLanguages"];

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"English", @"Ukrainian", nil] forKey:@"AppleLanguages"];


(if I have done this code, and app was closed so next time when app start it use all resources which set for selected language)


How can I do the same but without restarting app?


I found many examples, but these show how work with text, but how work with another resources, and how can I their update (for current select language)?




You can't do that (without jailbreaking). You should code your app in a way, that you can start over when some significant information changes, without restarting the app. For instance you could pop all the view controllers and deallocate them and then let the user reload them using the correct language.


Note however, that normally you shouldn't do anything like that. Localization is solved in a quite elegant way on iOS. You just localize the .strings (and optionally .nib and image files) and the system takes care for the rest for you. When the user changes the language in the Settings app, you app will be terminated by the system. The next time the user starts the app, it will load the correct language.