从VS 2017连接到访问数据库时出错

从VS 2017连接到访问数据库时出错



I am having an issue connecting to an access database to upload some data from SQL in the access database. This process was working before but we have migrated to a new server and the process is no longer working.


       Dim g_objCn As New ADODB.Connection
       Dim g_strConnectionString As String = "C:\database\data.accdb"
       Dim connsql = New SqlConnection

        connsql.ConnectionString = "integrated security=SSPI;data source=sqlserver;" &
                                    "persist security info=False;initial catalog=MainTables;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;"
            g_objCn.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0"
            g_objCn.Properties("Data Source").Value = g_strConnectionString
            g_objCn.Execute("INSERT INTO [C:\database\data.accdb].tblData (id, FacN, LName,FName)" &
                            "SELECT id, FacN, LName,FName " &
            "FROM [tblData] IN '' [ODBC;Driver={SQL Server};Server=sqlserver;Database=MainTables;Trusted_Connection=yes]")

我在g_objCn行上收到以下错误.Provider =" Microsoft.Ace.oledb.16.0"。我检查了新服务器,那个库就在那里(aceoledb.dll)。所以我不确定我错过了什么。

I am getting the error below on the line g_objCn.Provider = "Microsoft.Ace.oledb.16.0". I have checked the new server and that library is there (aceoledb.dll). So I am not sure what I am missing.

The message is saying that g_objCn is not open. You need to add code to catch errors and to show relevant messages and other data when there is an error. You should check to see if g_objCn is open before using it.