Visual Studio 2010 Express可以连接到Team Foundation Server 2010吗?

Visual Studio 2010 Express可以连接到Team Foundation Server 2010吗?


我知道VS 2010 Pro/Premium/Ultimate包含TFS连接,VS 2010 Express吗?

I know VS 2010 Pro/Premium/Ultimate include TFS connectivity, does VS 2010 Express?


请参见 SO问题(什么是是Visual Studio Express Edition中的缺失"吗?)-要点之一是no Team Explorer support,这意味着TFS集成.

See this SO question (What is "missing" in the Visual Studio Express Editions?) - one of the bullet points is no Team Explorer support, meaning to TFS integration.

VS 2010的Microsoft页面上,您可以看到具有MSDN Essentials订阅的Pro版没有开箱即用的TFS功能,这表明快递SKU也是这种情况.

On this Microsoft page for VS 2010, you can see the the Pro edition with MSDN essentials subscription has none of the TFS features out of the box, suggesting that this is also the case for the express SKUs.