Chef Users资源(检查是否存在?)

Chef Users资源(检查是否存在?)



I know how to create a user resource:

user "random" do
  supports :manage_home => true
  comment "Random User"
  uid 1234
  gid "users"
  home "/home/random"
  shell "/bin/bash"
  password "$1$JJsvHslV$szsCjVEroftprNn4JHtDi."

但是我不确定如何使用Chef查找所有用户的列表在当前节点上。我查看了在厨师客户机运行期间检查node [:users]的情况,但是只有node [:current_user]对我可用。在厨师食谱中,有没有办法询问普通用户是否存在?

But I'm unsure how to use Chef to find a list of all users on a current node. I looked at inspecting node[:users] during a chef-client run, but only node[:current_user] is available to me. Is there a way, in a Chef recipe, to ask if a regular user exists?


I'm in a situation where I shouldn't/can't create users (due to company regulations, but I definitely shouldn't proceed with the installation of other things defined in my cookbook unless xyz users already exist.)


Ohai queries the users on the system for you:

if node['etc']['passwd']['random']
  # Do deploy