



I am using AppCompat and have successfully implemented the new action bar that rolled out with lollipop. The only problem is the pressed background color of the action items. I want to show a different background color for the action item when pressed. Any idea how it can be done?


You have a couple of options. But first, some background:

在AppCompat行动项目使用的主题属性的?ATTR / actionBarItemBackground (见RES /价值/ styles_bas​​e.xml),它被设置为?ATTR / selectableItemBackgroundBorderless (见水库/styles/themes_bas​​e.xml)默认情况下。这个属性被设置为一个无国界的纹波L和 @绘制/ abc_item_background_holo_light 在previous版本。

The action items in AppCompat use theme attribute ?attr/actionBarItemBackground (see res/values/styles_base.xml) which is set to ?attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless (see res/styles/themes_base.xml) by default. This attribute is set to a borderless ripple on L and @drawable/abc_item_background_holo_light on previous versions.

操作栏本身是通过设置?ATTR / actionBarTheme (themes_bas​​e.xml)为主题,并设置为 @风格/ ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.ActionBar 默认情况下。在霍洛,这个主题将覆盖actionBarItemBackground,所以你需要在这里进行更改。

The action bar itself is themed by setting ?attr/actionBarTheme (themes_base.xml) and is set to @style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.ActionBar by default. On Holo, this theme overrides the actionBarItemBackground, so you'll need to make your changes here.


So, the easy way to override the action item background for all action bars would be to set actionBarItemBackground in your actionBarTheme. You'll probably also want to override selectableItemBackground since the CloseMode item doesn't use actionBarItemBackground (no idea why).

值/ styles.xml:


<style name="MyAppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
    <item name="actionBarTheme">@style/MyActionBarTheme</item>

<style name="MyActionBarTheme" parent="ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.ActionBar">
    <item name="actionBarItemBackground">@drawable/whatever_you_want</item>
    <item name="selectableItemBackground">@drawable/whatever_you_want</item>

注意:这些变化适用于所有的API层面,因此,如果您仍然希望在API 21+涟漪,你会想@可绘制/ whatever_you_want双方绘制和绘制-V21版本,后者其中采用了涟漪。

Note: These changes apply to all API levels, so if you still want ripples on API 21+, you'll want both drawable and drawable-v21 versions of @drawable/whatever_you_want, the latter of which incorporates ripples.