通过AngularJS加载的刮刮网页 - CURL PHP

通过AngularJS加载的刮刮网页 -  CURL PHP


I have to scrape a webpage that is loaded using AngularJS. I am using CURL and PHP.

In CURL response I get the HTML of page which is prior to HTML produced by AngularJS.

I have Googled and got CasperJS and PhantomJS as a solution, I tried using PhantomJS and CasperJS but facing many issues.

Is there a way other than CasperJS and Phantom JS?

Thanks in advance,

我必须抓取使用AngularJS加载的网页。 我正在使用CURL和PHP。 p>

在CURL响应中,我得到的页面的HTML在AngularJS生成的HTML之前。 p>

我有Google搜索 并将CasperJS和PhantomJS作为解决方案,我尝试使用PhantomJS和CasperJS,但面临很多问题。 p>

除了CasperJS和Phantom JS之外还有其他方法吗? p>

提前致谢, p> div>

Question is Downvoted? Anyways I completed my task using Phantom.

Thanks for your answers