Android Studio Logcat



Android's logcat (eclipse) used to show ActivityManager manager states

02-23 16:01:15.327: I/ActivityManager(65): Starting activity: Intent {   cmp=com.tmrepo/.Clfbpg }  
02-23 16:01:17.237: I/ActivityManager(65): Displayed activity com.tmrepo/.Clfbpg: 1777 ms (total 1777 ms)`

但是Android Studio中的logcat从未显示与ActivityManager相关的任何内容.

But the logcat in Android studio never shows anything related to ActivityManager.


Is there anyway to fix this?


In the LogCat window, make sure "Log Level" is set to "Verbose" :


Also, By default, The LogCat only shows output from your app, so you might need to configure it to show output from all processes, including ActivityManager. This can be by unselecting "Only Show output from selected process" (next to the tabs in the LogCat panel) And selecting "No Filters" on the right.