在 Android Studio 中,为什么我必须在模拟器中单击“运行应用程序"两次才能启动应用程序?


在 Android Studio 中,当我按下播放按钮在 Android Emulator 上安装并运行应用程序时,大约 5-10 秒后,我在屏幕底部收到一条消息安装成功";但该应用程序实际上并未在模拟器上运行,我必须再次按下播放按钮.这很令人沮丧,因为我曾做过一些项目,我只需按一次播放,它就会同时安装和运行.

In Android Studio, when I press play button to install and run the app on the Android Emulator, after about 5-10 seconds, I get a message on the bottom of the screen saying "Install successful" but the app doesn't actually run on the emulator, I have to press the play button again. This is quite frustrating because I have worked on projects where I just press play once and it installs and runs at the same time.


I tried searching this forum but couldn't find an answer. Does anybody else experience this and how do you fix it?

看起来在多个设备上运行"选项已从最新的 Android Studio 更新中删除.问题又开始了,我似乎找不到解决方法或解决方案.

Looks like the 'Run on Multiple Devices' option has been removed from the latest Android Studio update. The problem has started again and I can't seem to find a workaround or a solution.




Instead of clicking on the icon, I started using the dropdown box, clicking on 'Run on Multiple Devices', selecting the devices and clicking 'Run'.


This seems to have solved the problem for now.