


I would like to allow only one country access, but exclude proxies within this country.


This is what I have (shortened version for convenience)

<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
allow from
allow from
allow from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from


But I know this wont work. How do I go about doing this?

更新:作为新的Apache 2.4,直接跳到结束

Update : for the new apache 2.4 jump directly to the end.


The Order keyword and his relation with Deny and Allow Directives is a real nightmare. It would be quite interesting to understand how we ended up with such configuration solutions, which is a least non intuitive.

  • 在第一重要的一点是,在订单关键字将对如何允许拒绝指令的使用。李有很大的影响>
  • 的第二点是,拒绝和允许指令没有在它们被写入的顺序应用,它必须被视为指示两个块(其中一个为拒绝,一个用于允许),其中所有的行被应用。
  • 第三点是,它并不适用于像防火墙规则,一点都没有,尤其是,规则都读进程不停止在第一场比赛
  • The first important point is that the Order keyword will have a big impact on how Allow and Deny directives are used.
  • The second point is that Deny and Allow directives are not applied in the order they are written, it must be seen as two blocks of directives (one the for Deny, one for the Allow) where all lines are applied.
  • The third point is that it does not apply like firewall rules, not at all, especially, rules are all read and the process is not stopping at the first match


Now you have to main modes:

Order Deny,Allow

  • 这是一个允许默认模式。在这里您将得到optionnaly拒绝规则的列表。
  • 然后在拒绝检查规则,拒绝根据论文的规则的要求。
  • 如果有人被通过的拒绝规则之一拒绝你也许可以让他回来与允许规则。
    • This is an allow by default mode. Where you will give optionnaly a list of Deny rules.
    • Then the Deny rules are checked, to reject requests based on theses rules.
    • If someone gets rejected by one of the Deny rules you can maybe get him back with an Allow rule.
    • 我称之为

Policy Allow
Rule Deny
     list of Deny rules
     list of Allow rules

订单 - 允许,拒绝模式拒绝 - 每个人 - 除了-此列表,或者,也许,没有

The Order-Allow-Deny-mode, or Reject-everyone-except-this-list-or-maybe-not

Order Allow,Deny

  • 这是一个默认拒绝模式。在这里您将得到optionnaly允许规则的列表。
  • 然后在允许规则检查,并且有人愿意访问必须至少有一个规则相匹配。
  • 如果有人被允许通过的允许规则之一,您仍然可以拒绝他用的拒绝规则。
    • This is a Deny by default mode. Where you will give optionnaly a list of Allow rules.
    • Then the Allow rules are checked, And someone willing access must match at least one rule.
    • If someone gets allowed by one of the Allow rules you can still reject him with a Deny rule.
    • 在简化的形式:

Policy Deny
Rule Allow
     list of Allow rules
     list of Deny rules



Back to your case

You need to allow a list of networks which are the country networks. And in this country you want to exclude some proxies IP.

您已经采取了的允许,任何人 - 除了-此列表,或者,也许,没有的模式,所以默认的任何的可访问您的服务器,除了代理IP 在拒绝列表中列出的(以及从所有拒绝删除访问的人这是默认设置),但如果他们得到的仍拒绝你的允许国家网络。这不是很好。

You have taken the Allow-anyone-except-this-list-or-maybe-not mode, so by default anyone can access your server, except proxies IP listed in the Deny list (and with the Deny from all you remove the access for anyone which was set by default) but if they get rejected you still allow the country Networks. That's not good.

颠倒顺序为了允许,拒绝您将在拒绝 - 每个人 - 除了-此列表,或者,也许,没有模式。 所以,你的拒绝任何人访问但是允许国内网络,然后为让人们你的拒绝代理IP 。当然,你必须删除所有拒绝通过@Gerben和@迈克尔斯莱德(这个答案就是为什么他们是对的只是一个exaplanation)。为说明

By inverting the Order to order allow,deny you will be in the Reject-everyone-except-this-list-or-maybe-not mode. So you will reject access to everyone but allow the country networks and then for allowed people you will reject the proxies IP. And of course you must remove the Deny from all as stated by @Gerben and @Michael Slade (this answer is just an exaplanation of why they are right).


The Deny from all is usually seen with order deny,allow to remove the allow by default of this mode and make a simplier version (more readable) by simply using a list of IP to allow after that (for example). You do not need that rule and your case is a perfect case of this 3-time access mode (default policy, list of exception, exceptions of exceptions).


But the guys who made theses configurations tokens are certainly mad, for sure.

更新:这不是真的了与Apache 2.4

整个授权/要求部分已重构在Apache中的 2.4 RequireAll RequireAny 和 RequireNone 指令。例如,见这复杂的逻辑例如

The whole authorization/Requirements sections has been refactored in apache 2.4 with RequireAll, RequireAny and RequireNone directives. See for example this complex logic example.


so this strange logic will soon be the past, and to quote the new documentation:


Controling how and in what order authorization will be applied has been a bit of a mystery in the past