php ini设置如果从php代码和其他php.ini文件中完成,哪一个会覆盖另一个?


If some configuration parameters of php are set from both the modes i.e from inside the php code and from an php.ini file . I wanna know which one will be overriding the other to take effect. and also please tell me if the php.ini configuration is applied in the sub folders or not.

如果从两种模式设置php的某些配置参数,即从PHP代码内部和 php.ini code>文件。 我想知道哪一个会覆盖另一个生效。 如果php.ini配置是否应用于子文件夹,请告诉我。 p> div>

If you mean ini_set then ini_set will take precedence over the configuration file.

See ini_set.

Note that some values can't be set in this way due to ini_set restrictions or server configuration. ini_set will return FALSE if it did not set the value (or, presumably, if the value was previously false).