

我有一个包含多个文本框和一组按钮的表单.使用下面的 Javascript,我可以单击一个按钮并将文本插入到其中一个命名框中.

I have a form with multiple text boxes and a set of buttons. Using the Javascript below, I am able to click a button and insert text into one of the named boxes.


Is it possible to insert text into the most recent/active textbox when a button is clicked?

目前我有这个,但它使用的是文本框的特定 ID,而不是最近使用/活动的 ID;

Currently I have this, but it's using the specific ID of a text box, rather than the most recently used/active one;

   $( 'input[type=button]' ).on('click', function(){
      var cursorPos = $('#my_text_box').prop('selectionStart');
      var v = $('#my_text_box').val();
      var textBefore = v.substring(0,  cursorPos );
      var textAfter  = v.substring( cursorPos, v.length );
      $('#my_text_box').val( textBefore+ $(this).val() +textAfter );

JSFiddle 上的示例更清晰;

Example on JSFiddle for more clarity;


这个想法取决于单击按钮时您所在的文本框,而不是使用某个文本框的 ID.这个想法是可以点击按钮并且可以使用任何文本框.

The idea being that depending upon which text box you're in when the button is clicked, instead of using the ID of a certain textbox. The idea being that the buttons can be clicked and any textbox can be used.


You can create a variable to store the most recent textbox and update it whenever a textbox is focused like this:

let currentInput = $('#text1');
$(document).on('focus', 'textarea', function() {
  currentInput = $(this);

然后使用此变量来更新文本,就像您使用 #my_text_box 所做的一样:

Then use this variable to update text just like you're doing with your #my_text_box:

$( 'input[type=button]' ).on('click', function(){
  let cursorPos = currentInput.prop('selectionStart');
  let v = currentInput.val();
  let textBefore = v.substring(0,  cursorPos );
  let textAfter  = v.substring( cursorPos, v.length );
  currentInput.val( textBefore + $(this).val() + textAfter );



Update: Some modification to preserve the cursor position after insert text:

let currentInput = document.getElementById('text1');
$(document).on('focus', 'textarea', function() {
    currentInput = this;

$( 'input[type=button]' ).on('click', function(){
  let cursorPos = currentInput.selectionStart;
  let v = currentInput.value;
  let textBefore = v.substring(0,  cursorPos );
  let textAfter  = v.substring( cursorPos, v.length );
  currentInput.value = textBefore + this.value + textAfter;
  cursorPos += this.value.length;
  currentInput.setSelectionRange(cursorPos, cursorPos);

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <textarea id="text1" cols="40" rows="3"></textarea>
    <textarea id="text2" cols="40" rows="3"></textarea>
    <textarea id="text3" cols="40" rows="3"></textarea>
    <textarea id="text4" cols="40" rows="3"></textarea>
    <input type="button" value="one" />
    <input type="button" value="two" />
    <input type="button" value="three" />