

我知道,当有一个在形成一个输入框,按下回车键密钥输入里面,会导致两个 NG-点击 NG-提交来触发动作。然而,在我的情况,我只有一个输入字段,即使我不preSS输入的输入域里面的钥匙,我的NG-提交动作称为每次,当我上的复位按钮点击。

I am new to AngularJS. I am trying a demo mentioned in AngularJS book by O'Reilly. I know that when there is one input field in the form, hitting enter key inside that input, would cause both ng-click and ng-submit action to be triggered. However, in my case, I have only one input field, even if I do not press enter key inside the input field, my ng-submit action is called everytime when i click on reset button. Here is code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="">
<head lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Form Submit Action</title>
    <form ng-submit="requestFunding()"
        Estimate :
        <input ng-model="estimate"/>
        Recommended :
        <Button>Fund My Start Up</Button>
        <Button ng-click="reset()">Reset</Button>
    <script src="Scripts/angular.js"></script>

        function FormController($scope)
            $scope.estimate = 0;

            computeNeeded = function(){
                $scope.recommended = $scope.estimate * 10;

            $scope.$watch('estimate', computeNeeded);

            $scope.requestFunding = function()
                window.alert("Add More Customers First");

            $scope.reset = function()
                $scope.estimate = 0;


Is there any logical or conceptual mistake ? Please also enlighten my on the right way to submit and reset the form when I am using AngularJS.

在stardard HTML,你需要设置键入=复位来表明这是一个复位键:

In stardard html, you need to set type="reset" to indicate that this is a reset button:

 <button type="reset" ng-click="reset()">Reset</button>

但是,你会看到一个问题,在角这种方法,因为这演示节目。当您点击重置,输入被设置为空的​​,而不是0 如您在code指定:

But you would see a problem with this approach in angular, as this DEMO shows. When you click Reset, the input is set to empty instead of 0 as you specify in your code:

$scope.reset = function() {
    $scope.estimate = 0;

这样做的原因的问题是,你的 $ scope.reset 第一运行,是的覆盖默认动作浏览器的复位按钮(清除表单输入)。

The reason for this problem is that your $scope.reset runs first and is overwritten by the default action of the browser for the reset button (clear the form inputs).

在棱角,你需要做的不同,你需要 preventDefault ,并使用的形式。$ setPristine()重置表单输入状态:

In angular, you need to do differently, you need to preventDefault and use form.$setPristine() to reset the form input states:

<form name="form" ng-submit="requestFunding()" ng-controller="FormController"> //give the form a name
    Estimate :
    <input ng-model="estimate" />
    <br/>Recommended : {{recommended}}
    <button>Fund My Start Up</button>
    <button ng-click="$event.preventDefault(); reset(); form.$setPristine();">Reset</button>


Quouted从文档为$ setPristine

Quouted from the docs for $setPristine:


Sets the form to its pristine state.


This method can be called to remove the 'ng-dirty' class and set the form to its pristine state (ng-pristine class). This method will also propagate to all the controls contained in this form.


Setting a form back to a pristine state is often useful when we want to 'reuse' a form after saving or resetting it.