

我有一个带有UINavigationController的UITabbarController. NavigationController中的视图显示了一个MVC(AddClockNavigationController).这个MVC有一个带有视图的笔尖和一个UINavigationController. NavigationController.view作为子视图添加到MVC的视图中.

I have a UITabbarController with a UINavigationController. The view in the NavigationController presents an MVC (AddClockNavigationController). This MVC has a nib with an view and an UINavigationController. The NavigationController.view is added as an subview to the MVC's view.

我的MVC中的NavigationController有两个按钮,即取消"和完成".当按下其中任何一个时,应关闭MVC. 这些按钮的IBAction位于UINavigationController的视图(AddClockViewController)中,但是只要按下它们,MVC就不会消失. 如果我将操作放到MVC中,它将消失. 如果我将函数放入MVC并使用[self.parentViewController myFunction]从viewController调用它,则该函数不会消失.

The NavigationController in my MVC has two buttons, an Cancel and an Done. When pressing either one of them the MVC should be dismissed. The IBActions of these buttons are in the UINavigationController's view (AddClockViewController), but whenever pressing them the MVC does not dissappear. If I put the actions into the MVC, it does disapear. If I put the function in my MVC and call it from my viewController using [self.parentViewController myFunction] it does not disappear.


How can I get it to disappear from my view?


I guess my explenation is quite messy but I hope you understand it.
A view from my IB:

保罗·皮伦(Paul Peelen)

Best regards,
Paul Peelen

编辑 我已经尝试过使用[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];[self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];[self.navigationController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];[self.parentViewController.navigationController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];进行此操作,并且如上所述,使用parentView中的函数将其消除.什么都行不通.

Edit I have tried this with [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];, [self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];, [self.navigationController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];, [self.parentViewController.navigationController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]; and, as stated, with a function in the parentView dismissing it. Nothing works.


When some view controller presents another one, it becomes a parent view controller. So if you want to dismiss your modal view controller, then you have to choices:

  1. 来自父视图控制器的调用

  1. from the parent view controller call

[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:是];

[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: YES];


  1. 从模态视图控制器调用

  1. from the modal view controller call

[self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:是];

[self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: YES];

您实际上不需要导航控制器(因为您没有按/弹出任何视图控制器).只需将UINavigationBar添加到您的MVC并在其上放置按钮即可.然后向他们添加动作并执行选择#2. 您的代码无法正常运行,因为导航控制器没有父级,因为它没有以模态形式显示.

You actually don't need the navigation controller (cause you don't push/pop any view controllers). Just add the UINavigationBar to your MVC and place buttons on it. Then add actions to them and do choice #2. Your code is not working because navigation controller has no parent, as it wasn't presented as modal.