如何授予作曲家在var / www / html中创建文件夹的权限


I am trying to create a laravel project with the command in Ubuntu 16.04

    composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

However, I am getting an error

    ErrorException mkdir(): permission denied. 

I have read lots of resources about changing permissions but I have also read some that suggest that changing the folder permissions for /var/www/html is not good for security.

I want to know the proper and hence right way to allow composer access to create a laravel project within this directory. P.S I am coming from a windows development environment with minimal linux experience.

我正在尝试使用Ubuntu 16.04中的命令创建一个laravel项目 p>

  composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel / laravel blog 
  code>  pre> 

但是,我收到错误 p> ErrorException mkdir():权限被拒绝。 code> pre>

我已经阅读了很多关于更改权限的资源,但我也读过一些建议更改/ var / www / html的文件夹权限不适合 安全。 p>

我想知道允许编写者访问的正确方法,从而在此目录中创建一个laravel项目。 P.S我来自Windows开发环境,具有最小的Linux经验。 p> div>

Use chmod command:

chmod -R 755 var/www/html

If you have access to the root user:

sudo chmod -R 755 var/www/html

like @Alexey said you can should change permission like above given commands but this you can also change ownership of var/www/html folder here are the complete steps

  1. First go to your www folder and right click and open terminal
  2. on terminal you run these set of cammands

     sudo chown <Username> html/

    this command change owner ship of the folder