

I am trying to use variable in variable function, then to do some calculations and later use that variable and print out answer:


$a($b)=function() {

if ($b == 10 ) {
    return 10 ;
    return 20 ;


echo $a(10);


I am getting error:

Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context

我试图在变量函数中使用变量,然后进行一些计算,然后使用该变量并打印出答案 : p>

 $ a($ b)= function(){
if($ b == 10){
 return 10  ; 
 $ a(10); 
echo $ a(10); 
  code>   pre> 

我收到错误: p>

致命错误:无法在写上下文中使用函数返回值 p> \ n blockquote> div>

Here $a($b) means invoking a function instead of declaration. you should define $a and pass $b as a variable to the function.

Change this to:

$a($b)=function() {


$a=function($b) {

Whole PHPcode Try this code snippet here


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$a = function($b)

    if ($b == 10)
        return 10;
    } else
        return 20;

echo $a(10);

Change following line

$a($b)=function() {


$a=function($b) {