




I have a website with jquery menu ,asp:label ,images ,html control like

<input id="submit" name="submit"  type="button"   runat="server" value="Submit"   />


also some div with content as

<div> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries,  </div>






http://www.moravia.com/en/services/translation-localization/software-localization/ [ ^ ]


etc ,i have 100 pages website like above,I want to show this different pages in five different language

should i create five different page again ,or there some Technic to convert this page in different language.

I dont want to use google translator. i want to use my own text and phrase which i have are provided to me by client.

I had done some RND on localisation ,but the problem is that only asp.net control is able to seen in resources file . html control and input element are not seen in resource file.

I want my site should work same as the below website works
Please help ,suggest me a good trick .


看看这个: ASP.NET本地化(快速参考) [ ^ ]

或者这个: ASP.NET全球化和本地化 [ ^ ]
You could have done some google research before posting a question...

Have a look at this: ASP.NET Localization (Quick Reference)[^]

or this: ASP.NET Globalization and Localization[^]

那里不是奇迹。是的,HTML控件无法使用这些多元文化资源。 HTML太静态了,无法实现很大的灵活性。您可以使用Javascript生成动态HTML内容,但是您应该创建具有相同资源的许多版本的完整并行机制。即使你做了这一切,关键的缺点是这是客户端,这将变得非常沉重。不过,这是可能的。为什么这么做呢?



There is no such thing as miracle. Yes, HTML controls cannot use those multicultural resources. HTML is way too static to implement much flexibility. You could use Javascript to generate dynamic HTML content, but then you should create whole parallel mechanism with many versions of the same resources. Even if you do all that, the critical drawback is that this is the client side, which is going to become quite heavy. Still, this is possible. By why doing all that?

According to your question tags, you are using ASP.NET already. It would be silly not using this fact and not using .NET globalization and localization on the server side, instead of your HTML approach.

I would add that you even your mentioning of Google translate looks ridiculous. First of all "globalization and localization" notions do not imply automatic text translation. It just means that you have pre-created resources for a number of different cultures, and this would be the only reasonable way. Google translation is simply unrelated topic. More importantly, the quality of any automatic translation in the world does not allow even to talk about translation of the content; at best, it simply can help a person to understand some phrased in foreign language. Some funny or ridiculous cases of automatic translation is the endless source of jokes.