


I accessed a page using php curl that has a form with default values inside hidden inputs, lets say

<input type="hidden" name="foo" value="barbazz">

How do I get the value barbazz, using php, I am thinking of doing this:

$re = curl_exec($ch);
$i = strpos('foo') + 11;
$val = substr($re, $i, 7);

Is there a better way to do it?

我使用php curl访问了一个页面,其中包含隐藏输入中默认值的表单,让我们说 p>

 &lt; input type =“hidden”name =“foo”value =“barbazz”&gt; 
  code>  pre> 

我如何 得到值 barbazz code>,使用php,我正在考虑这样做: p>

 $ re = curl_exec($ ch);  
 ncurl_close($ ch); 
 $ i = strpos('foo')+ 11; 
 $ val = substr($ re,$ i,7); 
  code>  pre> 
 \  n 

有更好的方法吗? p> div>

$doc = new DOMDocument();

Read: DOM library.


$html = '<html>
            <input type="hidden" name="foo" value="barbazz">
            <input type="hidden" name="bar" value="something">

$doc = new DOMDocument();

foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('input') as $input) {
    if ($input->getAttribute('name') == 'foo') {
        echo $input->getAttribute('value');