如果两个php变量中的任何一个不为空,则输出内容。 在本地工作,但不在实时服务器上?

如果两个php变量中的任何一个不为空,则输出内容。 在本地工作,但不在实时服务器上?


I'm trying to check whether either of two variables are empty, and if either have content, then to output some html.

I'm using WordPress, and each variable is set to use a my_meta function which just gets the content of a meta box from the database. If both functions are empty, no code is output, but if either have content, then the code in the if statement is output.


$meta_1 = my_meta( 'metabox1' );
$meta_2 = my_meta( 'metabox2' );

if (!empty($meta_1 | $meta_2)) { ?>
        <?php echo my_meta( 'metabox1' ); ?>
        <?php echo my_meta( 'metabox1' ); ?>
<?php }


Everything works fine on my local server using MAMP, but when I try the site on a live server, I get the following error.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting ')'...

Is the code poorly written, or have I missed something?

just change it to

if (!empty($meta_1) || !empty($meta_2)) {

it might be due to php versions or different return values form $meta_1 and $meta_2 between prod and localhost