是否可以在服务器上使用SMTP和PHP创建电子邮件地址? [关闭]

是否可以在服务器上使用SMTP和PHP创建电子邮件地址?  [关闭]


Is it possible to create an email address using SMTP and PHP on server programmatically with PHP or maybe some other programming language? I have an hosting account with a Bluehost. The host lets us create email address manually. Example: something@mydomain.com
Then people can send emails to the account because when the account is created, it also has its own inbox. I wanted to know if it is possible to make those email accounts somehow in PHP. Im using Bluehost as my domain host.

是否可以使用PHP或其他编程语言以编程方式在服务器上使用SMTP和PHP创建电子邮件地址? 我有一个带有Bluehost的主机帐户。 主持人允许我们手动创建电子邮件地址。 示例:something@mydomain.com
然后人们可以向该帐户发送电子邮件,因为在创建帐户时,它还具有自己的收件箱。 我想知道是否可以在PHP中以某种方式制作这些电子邮件帐户。 我使用Bluehost作为我的域名托管服务商。 p> div>

No, SMTP is a mail transfer protocol, it is not applicable for managing a mail server. On the other hand a specific mail server may have an interface which can be used to create users accounts. For example Apache James contains a Telnet like interface and among others it has a command for creating a new user account. This can be considered easily scriptable, but I do not know how much help PHP provides in this specific case.