


I'm new to PHP and am trying to figure something out that I'm sure is very basic. What I am wanting to do is generate variables in javascript and pass these to a PHP page which then loads and displays. The problem is, I seem to be able to both POST variables to the PHP page and load the PHP page but am unable to load the PHP page with the variables that I POSTed.

Here is an example of my code: index.php

<script language="javascript">
      function passToPHP(){
              type: "POST",
              url: "/TraceExperiment/TraceExperiment.php",
              data: {
                  varToPass: "foo"
              success: function(){
<input type="button", value="displayPHP", onclick="passToPHP()"></input>


  $tempVar = $_POST["varToPass"];
  echo("hello" . $tempVar);

What is happening when I click displayPHP is that the ajax POST succeeds and TraceExperiment.php loads fine (it actually has a whole heap of other html, php etc. code that loads and displays fine but for simplicity I've excluded that) but the $_POST array seems to be empty. i.e. what ends up being displayed when I try to echo and print the POST array and variables is:

Notice: Undefined index: varToPass in C:\xampp\htdocs\TraceExperiment\TraceExperiment.php on line 3 helloArray ( )

Any help resolving this would be much appreciated. Ultimately, I'm simply after a way to display a PHP page that uses variables passed from a javascript file.

我是PHP的新手,我正在尝试找出一些我确信非常基本的东西。 我想要做的是在javascript中生成变量并将这些变量传递给PHP页面然后加载和显示。 问题是,我似乎能够将POST变量都加载到PHP页面并加载PHP页面,但是无法使用我发布的变量加载PHP页面。 p>

这是 我的代码示例: index.php p>

&lt; script language =“javascript”&gt; 
 function passToPHP(){
 $ .ajax  ({
 url:“/ TripExperiment/TraceExperiment.php”,
 window  .location.href =“/ TraceExperiment / TraceExperiment.php”; 
&lt; / script&gt; 
&lt; input type =“button”,value =“displayPHP”,onclick =“  passToPHP()“&GT;&LT; /输入&GT; 
 代码>  PRE> 

TraceExperiment.php p>

 &LT; PHP中\  n $ tempVar = $ _POST [“varToPass”]; 
 echo(“hello”。$ tempVar); 
 print_r($ _ POST); 
  code>  pre> 

单击displayPHP时发生的事情是ajax POST成功 eds和 TraceExperiment.php加载正常(它实际上有一大堆其他html,php等代码加载并显示正常,但为了简单起见我已经排除了)但$ _POST数组似乎是空的。 i.e。 当我尝试回显并打印POST数组和变量时最终显示的是: p>

注意:未定义索引:C:\ xampp \ htdocs \ TraceExperiment中的varToPass \第3行的\ TraceExperiment.php helloArray() p> blockquote>

任何帮助解决此问题都将非常感激。 最后,我只是在显示一个使用从javascript文件传递的变量的PHP页面。 p> div>

You can do a get request like this

 <script language="javascript">
          function passToPHP(){
              var varToPass= "foo"
              window.location = "/TraceExperiment/TraceExperiment.php?varToPass="+varToPass;
    <input type="button", value="displayPHP", onclick="passToPHP()"></input>

      $tempVar = $_GET["varToPass"];
      echo("hello" . $tempVar);

or a post request by creating a simple form

  var varToPass= "foo"

<form id ="frm" method="POST" action="/TraceExperiment/TraceExperiment.php">
  <input type="hidden" id="varToPass"/>
  <input type="submit"/>

dont redirect to the same page on success. you are getting the undefined var on second go to that page

function passToPHP() {
        type: "POST",
        url: "/TraceExperiment/TraceExperiment.php",
        data: {
            varToPass: "foo"
        success: function(data) {

try doing like this

if you want to show the message in the html


success: function(data) {

You can dynamically create a form in JavaScript and submit it rather than calling ajax and refreshing the page:

<script language="javascript">
      function passToPHP(){
          $('<form action="/TraceExperiment/TraceExperiment.php" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="varToPass" value="foo" /></form>').appendTo('body').submit();
<input type="button" value="displayPHP" onclick="passToPHP()"></input>

There is 2 solution for This

  • by the different approach

    Generate your variable value by JavaScript and than use

    Write in TraceExperiment.php

        function genratenumber(){
          return "number"
          window.location.href= "/TraceExperiment
       <?php     }else{
         // get the value of $_GET['yourvar']
       } ?>

Than get it by using $_GET['yourvar'] on same page

  • By using your approch

    you need to put that variable in session (in ajax file) than only you can get that variable