


I'm trying out Go for doing some filesystem use analysis and I went for making the code as fast as possible by spawning almost everything off as a goroutine and relying on the Go VM (and GOMAXPROCS) to manage it. I was watching this code run (pretty quickly) until it just stopped dead. I checked top and it listed my process as having 1500 threads.

I thought maybe I had hit some limit and the process was therefore deadlocked waiting on the OS. I checked my OS (FreeBSD) limits, and sure enough it was listed as 1500 threads max per process.

Surprised, I checked the Go docs and it says GOMAXPROCS is only a limit on running threads, but blocked threads don't count.

So my questions:

  • Is it fair to say I can't rely on the Go VM as a global pool to prevent hitting OS limits of these kinds?

  • Is there an idiomatic way to handle this (be nice, it's only my second day using Go)?

    • In particular, I haven't found a great way other than sync to close a channel when I'm done using it. Is there a better way?

    • I'd like to abstract away the boilerplate (parallel mapping with go routines and closing channel when done), is there a type-safe way to do this without generics?

Here's my current code:

func AnalyzePaths(paths chan string) chan AnalyzedPath {
    analyzed := make(chan AnalyzedPath)
    go func() {
        group := sync.WaitGroup{}
        for path := range paths {
            go func(path string) {
                defer group.Done()
                analyzed <- Analyze(path)
    return analyzed

func GetPaths(roots []string) chan string {
    globbed := make(chan string)
    go func() {
        group := sync.WaitGroup{}
        for _, root := range roots {
            go func(root string) {
                defer group.Done()
                for _, path := range glob(root) {
                    globbed <- path
    return globbed

func main() {
    paths := GetPaths(patterns)
    for analyzed := range AnalyzePaths(paths) {

About 2 months ago (or more) language developers spoke about intruding of thread count control (and some other limits). So we can expect to see it soon. Month or more ago I develop the issue and found on my linux machine that GOMAXPROCS doesn't exceeds value of 256. If I sent 300 or more to it, the result was always 256. But I found that goroutines are not a threads. Goroutines can live in one thread.

As for idiomatic syncing - I think there is no necessity to sync too much. In my code I usually use idea that goroutines are communicating through channels only. And channels should be passed as parameters for goroutines.

func main() {
    ch1 := make(chan SomeType1)
    ch2 := make(chan SomeType2)
    go generator(ch1, ch2)
    go processor(ch1, ch2)
    // here main func becomes waiting until it capture 2 of ch2-finished-signals 
    <- ch2
    <- ch2
    // usually we don't need the exact values of ch2-signals,
    // so we assign it to nothing 

func generator(ch1 chan SomeType1, ch2 chan SomeType2) {
        // generate something
        // send to channel
        ch1 <- someValueOfType1
    ch1 <- magicStopValue
    ch2 <- weAreFinishedSignal1

func processor(ch1 chan SomeType1, ch2 chan SomeType2) {
    // "read" value from ch1 
    value := <-ch1
    for value != magicStopValue {
        // make some processing
        // ....
        //get next value from ch1 and replay processing
        value = <- ch1
    // here we can send signal that goroutine2 is finished
    ch2 <- weAreFinishedSignal2

If goroutines are in one thread they are communicating faster. As for me the channel performance is far from good, but enough for many purposes.