


I have a table named clients, in that table there's two columns of importance; id and client. I have a secondary table in the same database named calendar. I really want the two columns of id and client in the calendar table to sync with the ones in client table.

Right now I am using this PHP to execute this in MySQL:

INSERT IGNORE INTO calendar (id, client) SELECT id, client FROM clients;

Is there a better way of accomplish this task? Maybe a built in function in MySQL that I have overlooked or something like that?

我有一个名为 clients code>的表,在该表中有两列重要性; id code>和 client code>。 我在同一个数据库中有一个名为 calendar code>的辅助表。 我真的希望 calendar code>表中的两列 id code>和 client code>与 client code>表中的列同步 。 p>

现在我正在使用这个PHP在MySQL中执行它: p>

  INSERT IGNORE INTO calendar(id,client)SELECT id  ,客户端FROM客户端; 
  code>  pre> 

有没有更好的方法来完成此任务? 也许MySQL中的一个内置函数我忽略了或类似的东西? p> div>

Use Triggers : The MySQL trigger is a database object that is associated with a table. It will be activated when a defined action is executed for the table.

The trigger can be executed when you run one of the following MySQL statements on the table: INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE and it can be invoked before or after the event.

You can make trigger when you insert or update a row in main table and make the changes in another table



CREATE TRIGGER my_sync_trigger 
AFTER INSERT ON `clients` for each row
INSERT INTO calender (id,client)
Values (new.id, new.client);


"new" stands for the new value inserted into clients table. The same value will be inserted into id and client column in calender.

Note: single quotes are removed from table name because quotes effectively make it a string literal instead of a proper identifier. DELIMITER command will change the ending of each statement from ";" to "$$" so that MySQL is not confused with ";" inside and outside the trigger

Make similar triggers for update and delete also

Simple guide for examples and syntax: http://www.mysqltutorial.org/create-the-first-trigger-in-mysql.aspx