让PHP访问/ dev / random的最佳方法是什么?

让PHP访问/ dev / random的最佳方法是什么?


My OwnCloud installation is complaining about not having access to /dev/random. OwnCloud will request multiple random numbers from different sources and derive from these the final random number, and /dev/random is one of these sources.

Is adding /dev/random to open_base_dir a good idea? Ive read somewhere that it's not recommended. Is there a better way to solve this?

Thanks all!

My OwnCloud安装抱怨无法访问 / dev / random code>。 OwnCloud将请求来自不同来源的多个随机数,并从这些随机数中得出最终的随机数, / dev / random code>是这些来源之一。 p>

正在添加 / dev / random code>到open_base_dir好主意? 我读过一些不推荐的地方。 有没有更好的方法来解决这个问题? p>

谢谢大家! p> div>

It's not a problem to add dev/urandom to open_base_dir and that will fix your ownCloud problem, but never add dev/random (without the u) as it can lack being fed enough entropy when generating the number.