


I have an index.php, where I do session_start() etc. For login, I send an ajax request to receiver.php, where I set the session variables etc and get an ajax response back.

Now, I can perfectly capture the php session variables only when I refresh the index.php page that has the following code:

jsSessionUserId = <?php     
    if (isset($_SESSION['userId'])) { //LoggedIn:
        echo json_encode($_SESSION['userId']); 
    } else { //  Not logged in.
        // some code here

What I really want is to put this in a function and then call this function when I receive a successful ajax response (and thus not have the need to refresh the index.php page). It is not working. I suspect that the php doesn't quite work inside of a javascript function. Grateful for any help.

It is bad idea to mix things up. Like php and javascript. Easiest solution for you right now - overwrite your javascript variables once successful login response is received.

$.post("receiver.php", formData, function(response){ // login callback
  if(response.UserId){ // return user id if login is successful
    jsSessionUserId = response.UserId; // overwrite old variable
}, "json");