C ++测试框架:寻求建议

C ++测试框架:寻求建议


我在寻找一个快速和脏的C ++测试框架,我可以在我的Windows / Visual Studio框中使用。它只是我开发,所以它不必是企业级软件。

I'm looking for a "quick and dirty" C++ testing framework I can use on my Windows/Visual Studio box. It's just me developing, so it doesn't have to be enterprise class software. Staring at a list of testing frameworks, I am somewhat befuddled...


这里有一篇关于C ++ TDD框架的文章。为了记录,我的个人偏好是CxxTest,我已经高兴地使用了大约六个月。

Here's a great article about C++ TDD frameworks. For the record, my personal preference is CxxTest, which I have been happily using for about six months now.