创建安装程序包的Visual Studio 2010

创建安装程序包的Visual Studio 2010


我有一个C#应用程序需要以运行.NET版本4。我知道如何使用随Visual Studio中的Visual Stuido安装程序安装项目创建一个基本的安装程序和安装我的应用程序正常,但是,我不能让它来检查.NET版本4已安装在客户机和如果不安装它。有没有人有什么建议?我应该使用,除了这种方法采用不同的方法?代购的InstallShield许可证是不是一种选择,因为这是太昂贵了。谢谢

I have a C# application that requires .net version 4 in order to run. I know how to create a basic installer using the Visual Stuido Installer Setup Project that comes with Visual Studio and that installs my application fine, however, I can't get it to check if .net version 4 is already installed in the client machine and if not install it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I use a different approach besides this method? Purchasing a license for InstallShield is not an option as that is too expensive. Thanks

您应该遵循的 MSDN上的这个指南。它会告诉你什么是你需要知道如何创建一个安装程序来检查.NET 4。

You should follow this guide on MSDN. It should tell you what you need to know about creating an installer to check for .NET 4.


The long and short of it is, if you set it as a prerequisite, the installer will check that it is installed.