


大多数关于three.js 的教程/问题都建议使用three.js 围绕一个点旋转对象的方法是在您想要旋转的位置创建一个父对象,附加您的对象,然后移动子对象.然后当父级旋转时,子级围绕该点旋转.例如;

Most tutorials/questions about three.js suggest the way to rotate an object around a point using three.js is to create a parent object at the position you want to rotate around, attach your object, and then move the child. Then when the parent is rotated the child rotates around the point. Eg;

//Make a pivot
var pivot = new THREE.Object3D();
//Make an object
var object = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxGeometry(2,2,2), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial() );
//Add object to pivot

//Move object away from pivot
object.position.set(new THREE.Vector3(5,0,0));

//rotate the object 90 degrees around pivot
pivot.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2;

这是可行的,但它非常有限 - 如果您想围绕不同的点旋转对象,则无法旋转,因为对象不能有两个父对象.

This works but it's incredibly limiting - if you want to rotate an object around a different point you can't because an object can't have two parents.


The next method that works is applying a rotated matrix to the object's position, e.g.;

//Make an object
var object = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxGeometry(2,2,2), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial() );
//Move the object
object.position.set(new THREE.Vector3(5,0,0);

//Create a matrix
var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
//Rotate the matrix
matrix.makeRotationY(Math.PI / 2);

//rotate the object using the matrix


Again, this works, but there doesn't appear to be a way to set the point of rotation. It's always the origin of the world.

另一个选项是 sceneUtils 中的实用方法,用于将子对象与父对象分离,另一种方法是附加新的父对象,但该文档警告不要使用它,并且从未在任何示例代码中使用过.

Another option is a utility method in sceneUtils to detach a child from a parent object and another method to attach a new parent, but the documentation for that warns against using it, and it's never used in any example code.

最终我希望能够使立方体遵循 S 形路径,但如果没有这个(看似)基本的东西,我发现它相当困难.

Ultimately I want to be able to make a cube follow an S shaped path, but without this (seemingly) basic thing I'm finding it rather difficult.

tl;dr 我想围绕一系列不同的点旋转一个 Three.js 对象.什么是解决这个问题的好方法?

tl;dr I want to rotate a three.js object around a series of different points. What would be a good way to approach that?

这个答案可能有帮助:三个 JS 支点


There are several ways to approach this problem. As you mentioned, you CAN swap the pivot point in the parenting approach, but it's a lot of work, converting the object position to/from the different coordinate systems.


Instead, you can always look at it this way (pseudo-code):

  1. 将对象移动到轴心点

  1. Move the object to the pivot point


1.1. SUBTRACT the the pivot point from your object's original position



Move the object BACK by the same position vector


1.1. ADD the the pivot point to your object's new position
