在Visual Studio内部搜索Access数据库

在Visual Studio内部搜索Access数据库


今天我问如何在Visual Studios中为Web表单实现搜索?例如,我正在使用Access数据库,我想搜索巧克力,它会给我一个巧克力产品的网格视图。谢谢。

Hi, today I am asking how would a search be implemented for a web form inside Visual Studios? For example, I am using Access Database & I want to search for "Chocolate" & it would give me a gridview of "Chocolate" products. Thanks.

您需要使用 SQL 选择 [ ^ ]语句,用于查找与搜索字符串匹配的记录。但是,鉴于你说你是cluelkess,也许你实际上还没有设置数据库。试试数据库文章部分 [ ^ ]有用的想法。
You would need to use the SQL Select[^] statement to find records that match your search string. However, given that you say you are "cluelkess", maybe you do not actually have a databse set up yet. Try the Database articles section[^] for useful ideas.