从WSDL文件在Visual Studio中的Web服务代理

从WSDL文件在Visual Studio中的Web服务代理



My application needs to talk to a web service that hasn't got an online WSDL definition. The developers however supplied me with a WSDL file.

通过一个公共的WSDL的Visual Studio可以使用服务引用向导生成这个code我。但它似乎并不没有公开WSDL工作。

With a public WSDL Visual Studio can generate this code for me using the Service Reference wizard. But it doesn't seem to work without a public WSDL.

如何生成的$ C $下使用此WSDL文件谈论这个Web服务?

How do I generate the code for talking to this web service using this WSDL file?

尝试使用的 WSDL.EXE 然后包括生成的文件(的.cs)到项目中。

Try using WSDL.exe and then including the generated file (.cs) into your project.

火了Visual Studio命令提示符(在Visual Studio中/在开始菜单的工具),然后键入

Fire up the Visual Studio Command prompt (under visual studio/tools in the start menu) then type

>wsdl.exe [path To Your WSDL File]


That'll spit out a file, which you copy/move and include in your project. That file contains a class which is a proxy to your sevice, Fire up an instance of that class, and it'll have a URL property you can set on the fly, and a bunch of methods that you can call. It'll also generate classes for all/any complex objects passed across the service interface.