如何在Linux中的Mono下调试Visual Studio .NET应用程序?

如何在Linux中的Mono下调试Visual Studio .NET应用程序?


我正在尝试在Linux的MonoDevelop下调试在Visual Studio C#中构建的应用程序.

I'm trying to debug an application built in Visual Studio C# under MonoDevelop in Linux.


I have the source code, so I followed instructions that appears at Icaza's blog at http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2010/Feb-20.html without success (which basically consists on create an empty solution and set the Execute command to the already compiled application)

应用程序正确执行,但是当我加载源代码文件并设置断点时,它永远不会停止. 也可以使用pdb2mdb命令将pdb转换为mdb.

The application is executing correctly but when I load the source code file, and set a breakpoint, it never stops. pdb's were also transformed to mdb's using pdb2mdb command.



BTW, load source code into Monodevelop and build the application under Linux is not an option right now, due to the big size of the application and lots of tweaks in the build process. Just wanted to debug the compiled assembly.


There is a command line utility for soft debugger, have a look it, this might be what you are looking for.