



What is the safest (and shortest) way do lock read/write access to static members in a multithreaded environment in C#?


Is it possible to do the threadsafe locking & unlocking on class level (so I don't keep repeating lock/unlock code every time static member access is needed)?


Edit: Sample code would be great :)

修改:我应该使用挥发性关键字或 Thread.MemoryBarrier(),以避免多处理器缓存或者是不必要的?据乔恩斯基特只有那些将进行更改看到其他处理器? (问这个单独的here).

Edit: Should I use the volatile keyword or Thread.MemoryBarrier() to avoid multiprocessor caching or is that unnecessary? According to Jon Skeet only those will make changes visible to other processors? (Asked this separately here).


The safest and shortest way is to create a private, static field of type Object that is only used for locking (think of it as a "pad-lock" object). Use this and only this field to lock on as this prevent other types from locking up your code when then lock on the same type that you do.


If you lock on the type itself there is risk that another type will also decide to lock on your type and this could create deadlocks.


class Test
    static readonly Object fooLock = new Object();
    static String foo;

    public static String Foo
    	get { return foo; }
    		lock (fooLock)
    			foo = value;

请注意,我已经锁定创建一个私有的,静态字段 - 我使用该字段锁定写入操作的那场

Notice that I have create a private, static field for locking foo - I use that field to lock the write operations on that field.