


我正在使用AWS Lambda,API Gateway和CloudFront开发Web API。

CloudFront当前用作API Gateway某些终结点的反向代理,完全禁用了缓存行为。

I am developing Web APIs using AWS Lambda, API Gateway and CloudFront.
CloudFront is currently used as reverse proxy to some endpoints of API Gateway, cache behaviors are disabled at all.


There are several frequently-used APIs, of which contents are rarely-updated (e.g. once a week or once a month), therefore are candidates for caching for faster response time.



However, I am wondering how to invalidate such CloudFront cache of frequently-used-but-rarely-updated dynamic content when their contents are updated.
My observation is that CloudFront holds cache of older content, since CloudFront does not pass requests to API origin, until cache reaches max-age.

例如:假设我有一个 GET / projects / PROJECT_ID / members API。

项目成员很少更新,但是一旦通过 PUT / projects / PROJECT_ID / members API,应该使缓存无效,以交付项目成员的最新内容。

E.g.: Let's say I have a GET /projects/PROJECT_ID/members API.
Project members are rarely updated, but once member added/removed via PUT /projects/PROJECT_ID/members API, cache should be invalidated to deliver the freshly-updated content of project members.

我应该使用 / projects / ABC / members )。每次更新内容后( PUT / projects / ABC / members / AmazonCloudFront / latest / DeveloperGuide / Invalidation.html rel = nofollow noreferrer>无效API


Should I invalidate the very-particular URL (/projects/ABC/members for above example) using invalidation API each time after updating their content (PUT /projects/ABC/members invoked) ?
Or, should I avoid to cache such dynamic content?


There are multiple ways to handle this:

  1. CloudFront缓存无效。


  1. CloudFront Cache Invalidation.
    If you are using S3 as origin, then you can create an S3 event on lambda function. This lambda will automatically invalidate CloudFront cache if there is a change in S3.

使用诸如Min之类的缓存头。 TTL,最大值TTL或默认TTL定义在CloudFront调用原始对象之前您希望这些对象在缓存中的时间。

Use cache headers like Min. TTL, Max. TTL or Default TTL to define how much time you want those objects in cache before CloudFront makes a call to origin.


Use object versioning on you object. So, that CloudFront will fetch latest version of the objects everytime.


Can refer CloudFront docs for more information on these.