jQuery $(window).resize();等效的事件侦听器,只在指定的轴上触发更改?

jQuery $(window).resize();等效的事件侦听器,只在指定的轴上触发更改?


我正在寻找一个事件监听器,它的工作原理就像jQuery的.resize(),但是只有当调整大小的对象(谈论窗口)在x轴上或两者都调整大小时才会触发,而不是在y轴上。 - 所以基本上只会收听宽度调整大小的事件。

I am looking for an event listener, what works like jQuery's .resize(), but only fires when the resized object (talking about the window) is resized in x axis, or both, but not in only y axis. - So basically it will only listen the resize events of the width.


You can save the width of the browser on a window load in variable. Example:

var w = 0;

$( window ).load( function(){

   w = $( window ).width();


$( window ).resize( function(){

  if( w != $( window ).width() ){

    //Do something

    w = $( window ).width();

    delete w;

