是否可以在Firebase身份验证项目中使用Cypress e2e测试?

是否可以在Firebase身份验证项目中使用Cypress e2e测试?



I am exploring Cypress for e2e testing, looks like great software. The problem is Authentication, the Cypress documentation explains why using the UI is very bad here.

因此,我尝试查看应用程序的网络连接,以查看是否可以向该应用程序创建POST请求firebase API,无需使用GUI即可进行身份验证。但是我可以看到至少触发了2个请求,并且令牌已保存到应用程序存储中。

So I tried looking at the network tap of my application, to see if I could create a POST request to the firebase API, and authenticate without using the GUI. But I can see that there at least 2 request fired, and token saved to application storage.


So what approach should I use?

  1. 使用我的应用程序的UI进行身份验证,并指示赛普拉斯不要触摸本地存储

  2. 继续尝试发送正确的POST请求的方法,并将值保存到

  3. 让赛普拉斯运行自定义JS代码,然后使用Firebase SDK登录。


I am really looking for some advice here :)

我自己做此操作时,就做出了自定义命令(例如 cy.login 进行身份验证,然后 cy.callRtdb cy.callFirestore 进行验证) 。在厌倦了重复构建它们所需的逻辑之后,我将其包装到一个名为 cypress -firebase 。它包括自定义命令和用于生成自定义身份验证令牌的cli。

When doing this myself I made custom commands (like cy.login for auth then cy.callRtdb and cy.callFirestore for verifying data). After getting tired of repeating the logic it took to build them, I wrapped it up into a library called cypress-firebase. It includes custom commands and a cli to generate a custom auth token.

设置主要只包括在 cypress / support / commands中添加自定义命令。 .js

import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/auth';
import 'firebase/database';
import 'firebase/firestore';
import { attachCustomCommands } from 'cypress-firebase';

const fbConfig = {
    // Your config from Firebase Console

window.fbInstance = firebase.initializeApp(fbConfig);

attachCustomCommands({ Cypress, cy, firebase })

插件到 cypress / plugins / index.js

const cypressFirebasePlugin = require('cypress-firebase').plugin

module.exports = (on, config) => {
  // `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
  // `config` is the resolved Cypress config

  // Return extended config (with settings from .firebaserc)
  return cypressFirebasePlugin(config)


But there full details on setup are available in the setup docs.

披露,我是 cypress-firebase 的作者,这就是整个答案。

Disclosure, I am the author of cypress-firebase, which is the whole answer.