Visual Studio SSIS 项目 - 脚本任务生成错误

Visual Studio SSIS 项目 - 脚本任务生成错误


我想学习在我的个人计算机上开发 SSIS 包.我对编写 C# 脚本很感兴趣.我在带有 SSDT 的 64 位 Windows 10 Pro 上安装了 Visual Studio 2019,还安装了集成服务项目作为扩展.

I would like to learn developing SSIS packages on my personal computer. I am interested in writing C# scripts. I installed Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit with SSDT and also installed Integration Services Projects as an extension.

我打开了一个新的 Integration Services 项目,没有接触任何东西,只是在控制流中创建了一个脚本任务.选择语言为 C# 并单击编辑脚本.

I opened a new Integration Services project, did not touch anything just created a Script Task in the Control Flow. Selected the language as C# and clicked Edit Script.

VS 打开自己的一个新实例,可以在其中编辑 C# 脚本.在触摸任何东西之前,我再次尝试构建脚本,但出现以下错误:

VS opens a new instance of itself where the C# script can be edited. Again before touching anything, I tried to Build the script and I get the following error:

Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Vsta\10d65f335e71425ba94036412d88bdce_out'.




我以管理员身份运行 Visual Studio,我的 Windows 用户名就像George"一样简单.

I ran Visual Studio as an administrator and my Windows username is simple like "George".


I am looking for a solution to this problem.

我将 Visual Studio 从 16.9.0 版降级(卸载并重新安装)到 16.8.2 版,现在一切正常!

I downgrade (uninstall and install again) visual studio from version 16.9.0 to 16.8.2 and everything works like a charm now!