如何在Visual Studio 2015中手动安装功能

如何在Visual Studio 2015中手动安装功能


我对计算机编程和开发的所有知识都是新手.我已经从网站上下载了Visual Studio update 3 iso,因为我的互联网连接速度很慢.甚至我都下载了Windows SDK 10.14393.33和移动图片 10.13393.00,并分别安装了它们.我的互联网连接速度很慢,因此我分别下载并单独安装了它们.但是当我开始创建新的UWP项目时,它说要安装UWP工具并重定向到 Visual Studio功能安装页面.如何告诉Visual Studio我已经在PC上安装了它们?

I'm completely beginner to everything in computer programming and development. I have downloaded Visual Studio update 3 iso from the website because I have slow internet connection. and even I have downloaded the windows SDK 10.14393.33 and mobile image 10.13393.00 and installed all of them separately. I have a slow  internet connection so, I downloaded them separately and installed them separately. but when I start to create a new UWP project it says to install UWP tools and redirects to the visual studio features installation page. how do I tell the visual studio that I have them already on my PC? 

我已附上图片,请帮助我.我是Visual Studio和Windows迷的初学者.

I have attached the images so please help me. I'm a very beginner to visual studio and windows fan.


Hi Rajavamshi2730,


Welcome to MSDN forum.



I couldn’t see the images, you need to ask for a requirement in the following thread to verify your account:

https ://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/zh-CN/338e5c21-c7e3-4519-8791-f819535be481/verify-your-account-36?forum = reportabug

要在Visual Studio中创建新的UWP项目,您需要下载 Windows开发工具,然后安装它,您将获得以下图像:

To create a new UWP project in visual studio, you need to download windows develop tools, and then install it, you will get the following image:

或者,您可以直接转到控制面板-程序和功能",右键单击带有更新3的Visual Studio 2015,然后单击更改-修改".

OR, you could directly go to Control Panel—Programs and Features, right-click the visual studio 2015 with update 3 and click Change-Modify.

之后,您将获得相同的图像,如果需要,选择工具"和Windows 10 SDK或更多.

After that, you will get the same image, select Tools and Windows 10 SDK or more if wanted.

