


我为python中的lambda函数导入了boto3.当我测试lambda时,出现此错误:No module named boto3,这是我们所期望的. 然后,我将这些文档准确地称为

I imported boto3 for my lambda function in python. When i test lambda it gives this error : No module named boto3 which is rather expected. Then i referred to the docs,to this link to be exact https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-python-how-to-create-deployment-package.html and realized i need to create a deployment package the issue is i didn't understand the docs well enough to keep up and would like them to be explained again in a simpler way by someone that has already done the required steps.

您需要在本地系统中创建一个文件夹,在该文件夹中安装所需的库,压缩该文件夹的内容,然后将压缩后的文件上传到AWS Lambda.

You need to make a folder in your local system, install the required libraries into that folder, zip the contents of the folder and upload the zipped file to the AWS Lambda.

  • 在本地系统中创建文件夹


I don't think you need help in this. Lets suppose you made a folder in D drive named yellow-bot

  • 将所需的库安装到文件夹中


You can install the required packages in the folder using below command

    pip install {package-name} -t "{path-to-project-dir}"


In your case it would be:

    pip install apiai -t "D:\yellow-bot"

  • 压缩文件夹的内容
    • Zip the contents of the folder
    • 现在,在安装了必需的库之后,您的yellow-bot文件夹中将有多个文件和文件夹.您需要全选并压缩内容. 请注意,请勿压缩文件夹,而应进入文件夹并压缩内容.

      Now after installing the required libraries there will be multiple files and folders in your yellow-bot folder. You need to select all and zip the content. Please note that do not zip the folder, instead you go inside the folder and zip the contents.
      It would be something like below screenshot.

      • 创建lambda函数并上传zip

      现在转到AWS Lambda,创建一个lambda函数,给出正确的运行时等等.然后将select upload zip文件保存在code entry type中.选择您的邮政编码,然后单击上载.

      Now go to AWS Lambda, create a lambda function, give correct run-time and all that. Then select upload zip file in code entry type. Select your zip and click on upload.
      Make sure to give correct Handler.
      It follows naming convention as:

      函数中的filename.handler-method值.例如, "main.handler"将调用main.py中定义的处理程序方法.

      The filename.handler-method value in your function. For example, "main.handler" would call the handler method defined in main.py.


      Since in this case I have uploaded connector.py file and entry function was called lambda_handler() so correct Handler would be connector.lambda_handler

