如何以编程方式关闭ADAuthentication Web视图控制器?

如何以编程方式关闭ADAuthentication Web视图控制器?



I met the following issue after dismiss the webveiwcontroller from ADAL programmably, and next time when I re-launch the sign in flow, I was given the following errors:

error=Error with code: 13 Domain: ADAuthenticationErrorDomain ProtocolCode:(null)
Details:The user is currently prompted for credentials as result of another acquireToken request.
Please retry the acquireToken call later..
Inner error details: Error Domain=ADAuthenticationErrorDomain Code=13
"The operation couldn’t be completed. (ADAuthenticationErrorDomain error 13.)"


If I close the app completely and reopen it, the sign in flow works again. Is this a known issue and what could be used to work around this?


您应该调用ADAuthenticationBroker-> cancel确保所有锁都正确释放。

You should call ADAuthenticationBroker->cancel to make sure all the locks are released correctly.