



I am working on a springMVC project in which the user authentication is based on spring security.


the idea is to have a mobile (android) application to be able to send some sort of data to backend.


So before get my hand dirty into android developing I decided to mock the situation of login form using CURL.


the login form in our site is as following :



curl -F 'username=admin&password=admin' http://localhost:8080/app/user/login


but yet I will get login page in other words I am not able to pass user authentication based on a mock up situation.

只是为了注意:对于每个请求,spring secure会创建一个类似于以下内容的随机化令牌:

just to note : for every request the spring secure will create a randomize token something similar to :



我应该如何使用mock情况传递基于spring安全性的登录表单( CURL HTTPClient

how should I pass login form based on spring security using mock situation (either CURL or HTTPClient)

使用 cURL ,如下所示:

 curl -d j_username=admin -d j_password=admin -L http://localhost:8080/app/j_spring_security_check


b $ b



If you get something like Expected CSRF token not found. Has your session expired? that means that CSRF token protection is enabled. To test it with cURL you need a cookie and a CSRF token itself.

以下命令将所有cookie写入名为 code>并打印出CSRF令牌。 Spring Security默认令牌参数名为 _csrf ,如果您更改了它,那么您还需要更改 grep csrf

The following command will write all cookies to a file named cookie and print out the CSRF token. Spring Security default token parameter name is _csrf, if you've changed it then you need to change grep csrf also.

curl --cookie-jar cookie -L http://localhost:8080/app/j_spring_security_check  | grep csrf

然后你可以执行下一个命令,不要忘记用上一个命令打印的实际值替换 | your_token_value | (和 _csrf

Then you can execute next command which will pass all cookies from file. Don't forget to replace |your_token_value| with an actual value which is printed out by the previous command (and _csrf parameter name if you've changed it).

curl --cookie cookie -d "j_username=admin&j_password=admin&_csrf=|your_token_value|" -L http://localhost:8080/app/j_spring_security_check

从Spring Security 3.x到4 .x

请注意,在Spring Security 4.x中, login-processing-url 的默认值从默认值用户名参数的默认值 / j_spring_security_check 从 j_username 更改为用户名,默认值为 password-parameter j_password 更改为密码。如果应用程序显式提供这些属性,则不需要对迁移进行任何操作。

From Spring Security 3.x to 4.x

Note that in Spring Security 4.x default value for login-processing-url changed from /j_spring_security_check to POST /login, default value for username-parameter changed from j_username to username and default value for password-parameter changed from j_password to password. If an application explicitly provides these attributes, no action is required for the migration.