运行Google App Engine Python的本地数据存储是否有限制?

运行Google App Engine Python的本地数据存储是否有限制?



class MyEntry(db.Model):
    keyName = db.StringProperty()
    valuesList = db.StringListProperty()


and I want to populate the datastore with about 7000 instances of this entity from a file. (I have a function that reads from the file, creates the entities and puts them to the db)

我正在使用SDK控制台中的Interactive Console进行导出(或更好的是实例化).但是,即使我尝试以400为批次导出实例,在创建1000个实例后,数据存储区也会停止接受新实例.我不认为这是超时问题,因为我有意小批量地做事(在一次尝试所有事情之后).

I'm using the Interactive Console from the SDK Console to do the exporting (or better, the instantiation). However, even when I try to export the instances in batches of 400, after 1000 instances are created the datastore stops accepting new instances. I don't think this is a timeout problem, because I am deliberately doing things in small batches (after I tried the whole things at once).


Is this a known problem? I wasn't able to find any info that documents this. Is there some other way to export data into the local datastore?



I was able to find the answer in an older post:

App Engine数据存储区-devserver限制


Apparently, years ago there has been a 1000 limit, which was lifted, but the dev-server still has it somehow.


So, I tested the datastore differently (by accessing every instance of MyEntry) and it turns out that all instances are there, however, the development server console only shows 1000 instances.


In fact, MyEntry.all().count() will also return 1000.