


我有一个客户端应用程序,它从用户的浏览器作为Java applet运行,并通过给定的端口连接到服务器.该服务器在可公开访问的云上运行.根据我以前编写套接字代码的经验,我可以决定一个随机端口号(例如5999),并将其用于客户端服务器通信.但是,在这种情况下,客户端可以是任何用户计算机,并且可以有许多用户在访问服务器.

I have a client application which runs as a Java applet from a user's browser and connects to a server via a given port. The server is running on a publicly accessible cloud. Based on my previous experience of writing socket code , I can decide upon a random port number (say 5999) and use it for client server communication. However in this case the client can be any user machine and there can be many users accessing the server.


So the question is how to ensure that I use a port number which is least likely to be used by any other service on the client's computer.


I have also explored webservices based protocols for this purpose but I didnt use it for the reason that my requirement is really simple and it can be fulfilled with a simple socket communication and a custom protocol. I feel webservices tools and stuff like SOAP , CORBA are too heavy weight.


Choose one that is not in the Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry and hope for the best.


Also, a client can connect to many servers on the same port. When the clients connect, they will use a random port on there end.


Only the server needs to worry about using a free port, and the clients need to know what this port is else they will not be able to connect to your server.