命名空间 YYY 中不存在名称 XXX (XAML VS12 Windows 8)

命名空间 YYY 中不存在名称 XXX (XAML VS12 Windows 8)


所以我在 Windows 8 上使用 VS12,并破解 ContosoCookbook 代码以制作不同的应用程序.我正在尝试设置一个MainMenu.xaml"页面,并且在我有:

So I'm working in VS12 on Windows 8, and hacking the ContosoCookbook code to make a different app. I'm trying to set up a "MainMenu.xaml" page and in I have:

        Source="{Binding Groups}"
        d:Source="{Binding AllGroups, Source={d:DesignInstance Type=data:FlashCardDataSource, IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}}"/>


The error I'm getting is: The name "FlashCardDataSource" does not exist in the namespace "using:FlashCards.Data".

...但我不明白它是怎么回事.我从哪里开始寻找?我是 XAML 新手.

...but I don't understand how it doesn't. Where do I start looking? I'm new at XAML.



If nothing else is possible, comment the lines which use the namespace, rebuild, and then build the full project again.

我也尝试重建项目,重新打开 Visual Studio.没有任何帮助.我终于评论了 xaml,重建了项目,取消了 xaml 的注释,终于成功了!奇怪的问题.

I also tried rebuilding the project, reopening Visual Studio. Nothing helped. I finally commented xaml, rebuilt the project, uncommented xaml and it finally worked! Strange issue.