




I have a database having Isdeleted field and datatype is bit i want to change the bit value on button click in gridview and also want to hide that row from gridview unless i set that Isdeleted field to false?

pls help

1)首先对gridview的选择数据查询进行修改,只显示那些有记录的记录 IsDeleted = false

1) first of all make modification on your select data query for gridview to display only those records which having IsDeleted = false

Where IsDeleted = 0

2)第二次创建一个web方法,通过点击gridview的按钮点击来调用,并且该Web方法负责更改与Is Delete标志相关的数据库表记录。使用jquery ajax调用调用该Web方法,并在执行ajax调用时,找到您的gridview行并将其css属性设置为 display none 或类似的内容以隐藏该行。

2) second create a web method which will called by clicking on your gridview's button click, and that web method is responsible to change your database table record related to Is Delete flag. call that web method using jquery ajax call, and on sucess of ajax call, find your gridview row and set it's css property to display none or something like that to hide the row.

public static string SetIsDeleted(string id)
    //Write your logic to update database entry with IsDeleted flag to false (0)

<script type = "text/javascript">
var id = 1; --write your own logic to get id for which you need to set IsDeleted flag
function ShowCurrentTime() {

type: POST
url: Default.aspx / SetIsDeleted
数据:' {id:' + id + ' }'
contentType: application / json; charset = utf-8
dataType: json
失败: function (响应){
alert(响应。 d);
function OnSuccess(响应){
// 写入逻辑以不显示网格视图行

< / script>
.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Default.aspx/SetIsDeleted", data: '{id: "'+ id + '"}', contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: OnSuccess, failure: function(response) { alert(response.d); } }); } function OnSuccess(response) { //write logic to display none your grid view row } </script>

请查看链接 [ ^ ]检查如何定义和使用aspx页面的web方法。

另请查看Link [ ^ ],该文章正在演示如何从gird视图中删除记录以及数据库,哟你只需要按照所有步骤改变逻辑,而不是删除你需要编写查询的记录,只需设置IsDeleted列值。

please check link[^] to check how to define and consume web method of aspx page.

Also please check this Link[^] too, that article is demonstrating how to delete record from gird view as well as database, you just need to follow all the steps and change logic just like instead of deleting record you need to write your query in such a way to just set IsDeleted column value.