




var app = angular.module("MyApp", []);

app.directive("adminRosterItem", function () {
    return {
        restrict: "E",
        scope: {
            displayText: "@"
        template: "<td>{{ displayText }}</td>", // should I have this?
        link: function(scope, element, attrs){
            // What do I put here? I don't seem to have any
            // element to initialize (set up event handlers, for example)
        compile: function(?,?,?){} // should I have this? If so, what goes inside?


function PositionsController($scope) {
           $scope.positions = [{ Name: "Quarterback", Code: "QB" },
                               { Name: "Wide Receiver", Code: "WR" }


<div ng-app="MyApp">
    <div ng-controller="PositionsController">            
            <tr ng-repeat="position in positions">
                <admin-roster-item displayText="{{ position.Name + ' (' + position.Code + ')' }}"></admin-roster-item>


It's a very simple example, but I can't get it to render. Perhaps there's something that tutorials aren't telling me, or that is secret Angular knowledge?

如果我删除里面的&LT指令; TR NG重复=.../&GT; 和地点&LT; TD&GT; {{displayText}}&LT; / TD&GT; 相反,它会显示所有的记录。

If I remove the directive inside the <tr ng-repeat="..." /> and place <td>{{ displayText }}</td> instead, it will show all records.

但我想该指令不仅仅是一个单一的&LT更加复杂; TD&GT; {{}}&LT; / TD&GT; (最终),这样我可以重用这个指令在多个应用程序。

But I want the directive to be more complicated than just a single <td>{{}}</td> (eventually) so that I could reuse this directive in multiple apps.


So, I'm really asking how do we properly create a directive that goes inside ng-repeat? What am I missing? What should be taken off from the code above?

同意,你需要考虑在该指令的开始和结束。下面是说明绑定到阵列中的每一项指令中plnkr - http://plnkr.co/edit/IU8fANreYP7NYrs4swTW?p=$p$pview

Agree that you need to think about where the directive begins and ends. Here's a plnkr that illustrates a directive bound to each item in the array - http://plnkr.co/edit/IU8fANreYP7NYrs4swTW?p=preview

如果您希望该指令封装由它得到了一点小技巧父范围内定义的集合的枚举。我不知道,如果下面是最佳实践,但它是我是如何处理它 - http://plnkr.co/edit/IU8fANreYP7NYrs4swTW?p=$p$pview

If you want the directive to encapsulate the enumerating of a collection defined by a parent scope it gets a bit tricker. I'm not sure if the following is 'best practice', but it's how i've handled it -- http://plnkr.co/edit/IU8fANreYP7NYrs4swTW?p=preview


When relying on the directive to perform the iteration you get involved with transclusion, which is a made up word that means (as i understand it) take the content defined in the parent, push it into the directive and then evaluate it. I've been working with angular for a few months, and I'm starting to think that asking the directive to iterate is a smell, and I've always been able to design around it.