


I have an ng-class initialization issue when I move the code which was in my controller, but related to the DOM, to a directive. To be short, here is some code:


<div ng-repeat="foo in foos" ng-click="rowClick($index)>
    <div ng-class="changeOpacity($index)>
        // some div with hidden content. Show when clicking on the div


$scope.rowClick = function (idx) {
    // unfold the clicked div to show content
$scope.changeOpacity = function (idx) {
    if (this is the div clicked) {
        return {dark: true};
    } else {
        return {light: true};


So when I have a list of div. When I clicked on a div, all the other divs get darker excepts this one.

在$ scope.rowClick和$ scope.changeOpacity都在我的控制一切工作正常。

Everything is working fine when $scope.rowClick and $scope.changeOpacity are in my controller.


When I move rowClick and changeOpcaity to a directive:


myApp.directive('myBar', function () {
    return {
        link: function (scope, element) {
           element.bind('click', function () {
               same code from rowClick
               scope.changeOpacity = function () {
                   same code from changeOpacity
        changeOpacity: function () {
            return {light: true} // for all divs

现在我的 view.html 是这样的事情:

Now my view.html is something like that:

<div ng-repeat="foo in foos" ng-click="rowClick($index) my-bar>
    <div ng-class="changeOpacity($index)>
        // some div with hidden content. Show when clicking on the div


But now the divs are not initialized anymore with the ng-class. I have to click one time on each div to initialize it, with the link function which listen to the click.


How can I initialize the ng-class inside the directive ?


的问题是,你只点击后把 changeOpacity 功能在你的范围内。这样做在链接功能,而不是像这样:

The problem is that you are putting the changeOpacity function in your scope only after a click. Do it in the link function instead like this:

link: function (scope, element) {
    scope.changeOpacity = function () {
        same code from changeOpacity


making it a field of the "directive object" has no effect.

不过,在我看来,这将是更优雅的使用模式属性,以指示该元素处于活动状态,并在 NG-点击属性更改该属性。然后,您可以参考这个属性在纳克级指令。

However, in my opinion it would be more elegant to use a model property to indicate if the element is active or not and change this property in an ng-click attribute. You can then refer to this property in the ng-class directive.


<div ng-repeat="foo in foos" ng-click=" = true>
    <div ng-class="{light: active, dark: !active }>
        <div ng-show="">
            // some div with hidden content. Show when clicking on the div