如何将SQL Express与Visual Studio 2008合并

如何将SQL Express与Visual Studio 2008合并


请问有人可以建议如何将SQL Express与Visual Studio合并.

我创建了一个窗口应用程序,该应用程序数据库在SQL Server中.因此,如果我要访问数据库,则必须单独安装Sql Server.

但是我想将SQL Express与窗口应用程序合并,以便在安装时可以轻松访问自动安装在计算机和数据库上的SQL Express.


Can any one please suggest how to merge SQL express with Visual Studio.

I have created an window application and that application database is in SQL server. So that i have to install Sql server separately if i want to access the database.

But I want to merge SQL Express with my window application so that at the time of installation SQL Express automatically installs on the computer and database can be easily accessible.

Thanks in advance.

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