


I have a problem where i am losing the PHP session between 2 pages.


The session_start() is included in a file called session-inc.php into every page requiring a session to be set. This works for all pages on the site except one particular page, member-profile.php. When this page is visited a new session with a different id (same session name) is set and used instead.


  • 会话名称是手动设置的
  • 所有页面都在同一域名下的同一服务器上
  • 如果我在member-profile.php文件中的include('session-inc.php')上方放置了一个额外的session_start(),则该会话将正确进行
  • 我尝试在.htaccess中设置session_cookie_domain和session.session_name,这对于该域有效,但是它阻止了会话被传递到付款域
  • 我们正在用apache 5.2.6运行apache 2.2.6


Putting the session_start() above the include('session-inc.php') in the member-profile.php file is the quick and dirty fix for this problem, but i am wondering if anybody know why this would be happening.


根据PHP文档, session_start -该页面是否具有流氓CR/LF,Unicode字节序标记或类似的内容,导致您在?

According to PHP documentation, session_start must be called before any output is sent back to the browser-- could this page have a rogue CR/LF, Unicode byte-order mark or similar that is causing output before you include('session-inc.php')?